Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Herzlich Willkommen zum Joseph Isaac Ellis

Behold the newest edition of the Ellis Clan!

woo hoo! Now you all have seen as fresh as he could get!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monkey-ing Around

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saving the Day

Wherever necessary.


Grant explains the Universe; Sara considers.

We hates the lake.

Little Mitchell

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ultra sound photo of the Baby

This here is the ultrasound image I received from the doctor after Katherine and I had our appointment. We don't know it's gender but we do feel it is a boy, in about 5 weeks we will learn what he really is.
He is energetic, just bounced around as if he were on a trampoline!

Latest Clan member added.

Ok, so this is news, I just got engaged! I am so excited for the wedding to happen I hope you all will make it!!
It will be taking place in the Boise Temple!
OMG I am so psyched!!!

Oh wait... I am already married....
Yeah on the 4th of April, my wife Katherine and I were sealed, shame a lot of you missed it meyh.
On a further note Katherine is pregnant and the estimated due date is on the 28th of December. Wish us luck.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Some of the mom.

Mom, 18 years old. In a wig, trying out to be a model in Sweet Sixteen magazine.

Mom with friend, getting ready for their senior trip. Doesn't mom look a lot like Sara here?!

Mom met a British dude in a nightclub. He said she should come visit, so she did. She stayed with his family, and bought this crazy dress at Picadilly Square. I think.

Mom in her cape, touring England. 1974.

Mom pregnant with John. It looks like she is saying, "Bsh Plz." That was her first maternity top ever.


John and Sam.
John, Sam, and Miss Piggy.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I know what your thinking, when you hear Easter you think of two things-- 
Easter Eggs, and of course Gorillas. 
That's right Gorillas--
 hunting for Easter Eggs, I knew I was going to like Atlanta. Where else are people going to hide Jello Eggs for Gorillas, and you know what Gorillas love em.

I Belong in The Zoo

So we moved to Atlanta not too long ago, and well we live across the street from the Atlanta Zoo…Tah-Dah!
Talk about fun family activities at or disposal.
We frequent the zoo quite a bit, here are a few pictures of Zeke enjoying the new neighborhood and a goat.

The Blair Witch "Baby" Project

Found the cord to the camera, so we will be posting more often.