Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving 2009 in Atlanta 11:30 am update

Thanksgiving has been great so far!
Got my little indians up to watch Macy's parade.

Zeke made a foot and hand turkey…

…so did Ben.

While I made my own turkey--
--wrapped in bacon!!!
I will let you all know how it is.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween was patriotic in Atlanta.

Zeke is Cap'n America, and Ben is his trusted side kick Picky, I mean Boogie, I mean Bucky.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Pictures

There are a few things I learned about my family this past Halloween...
john can be very creepy dressed as a clown
Sara only needs to do her makeup in a normal fashion to look like a skeleton
I have the cutest baby ever
I look smashing in red
... and even though he isn't really related to me Peter is a creepy something...